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Matches Summary

Match Summary
Yorker Boyz v/s Risers
League Phase : ( - )
Date : 2013-10-26 , 08:30:00 Field: Hamilton Park
Umpires1 : Tampa Chasers Umpires2 : Tampa Chasers
Coin Toss Winner: Yorker Boyz Man of the Match: Sanat Mishra
Match Overs 16 Winner Yorker Boyz
Match Summary      
Team: Yorker Boyz Risers
Runs 72 70
5 7
Overs: 13 16

Overall Summary

Corrections made:

1. Yorker Boys comeplted their iinings in 13 overs. Last ball of 13th over was a six and thats how they completed the chase.

2. Amrit bowled 3 overs including the last over and in cric hq they have entered somebody else as the last over.

3. Edited the wickets section in Sunrisers Bowling.

4. I do not see the names of New players sent to roaster: Vijay ans sandeep so coudnt not add them instead of Shravan and Abishek mentioned in Sunrisers Batting.


Rubesh Selvam